
Ronald L. Book

Ron Book serves as President and CEO at Ronald L. Book, P.A., a law firm specializing in governmental affairs and lobbying in both Tallahassee and South Florida.

About Me

Mr. Ronald L. Book's authority is expansive, regularly covering various districts and issues and making their way through the policymaking framework. From monetary development, natural remediation, and sensible housing to transportation, flying, clinical consideration, social organizations, advancement of the load up, seaports, and sports-accepting it's gathered public thought, lobbyist Ron acknowledges it well, having affected the conversation and public methodology dynamic all through ongoing numerous years.

For right around 35 years, he has been a trailblazer in the Florida government endeavors industry, with a particular focus on the cycle of the task. Ron Book and his gathering are obligated for billions available for later undertakings and grants composed at various causes and adventures. His firm is seen as a fundamental pioneer in neighboring government depictions. At present, it tends to numerous administration substances, metropolitan networks, and regional lawmaking bodies at the Florida Statehouse.

His creative method for managing close-by government depictions has fostered the organization's effect and associations far past the Florida state administrative focus, including into city and local lawmaking bodies generally through all sides of the Sunlight State. This is one inspiration driving why he stays a rare example of firms to offer high-level regulative depiction to clients in the halls of state government, as well as areas of strength for huge close-by citizen-upheld associations.

Mr. Book's hidden association with the state's policymaking field began during the 1970s when he went to work for the Florida State Gathering. He would later gain firsthand official branch experience filling in as Outstanding Direction and head of Regulative Endeavors for Lead delegate Bob Graham's association, followed by a practically long haul residency as Accessory and Supervisor of the Administrative and Authoritative Guideline Division for the significantly powerful, Miami-based firm of Sparber, Shevin, Shapo, Heilbronner and Book, P.A. (1982-1987).

During his calling, he procured an inestimable and stand-out understanding of the universe of Florida legislative issues through his work on several statewide political missions, including gubernatorial, department level, and order tries.

He is similarly the partner and Board Head of Lauren's Young People Establishment, a liberal connection he spread out neighboring his young woman and Florida State Delegate Lauren Book. As a pioneer in his young woman's objective, Book and The Establishment spins around finishing youth sexual maltreatment through care, getting ready, and offering help and courses to survivors and youngsters under challenging situations. Furthermore, the Establishment means having a beneficial outcome for families, kids, and others through sexual maltreatment planning and negation. As of now, the Establishment's in-school educational tasks can be tracked down to more than 90,000 homerooms across the nation.

Ronald L. Book got his rule degree (J.D.) at Tulane School and his drawn-out license in modern sciences (B.A) certificate in Political Theory at Florida Overall School. Before finishing his certification at FIU, he went to the School of Florida, where he ran track for the Florida Gators (1971-1973). He is an enlisted lobbyist, an individual from the FAPL (Florida Relationship of Expert Lobbyists), and an individual from the Florida Bar.

DeSantis supports push to move homeless people off streets and into monitored camps

Law School Hall of Fame Attorney Ron Book Tackles Permanent Housing for the Homeless

Ron Book earns Lifetime Achievement Award

Ron Book: Drives Homeless Trust to control own permanent housing

Ron Book is a Recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award

Ron Book elected to Tulane Law School Hall of Fame

Renowned Attorney Ron Book Inducted into Tulane University’s Law School Hall of Fame

Ron Book Honored by the Florida Bar With Pro Bono Service Award

Hometown profile: Ron Book’s storied travels begin and end in Warren

Learn More


Ronald L. Book

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